Institute for Economic Research
If it is to go after the Institut for economics, then in the future rich are to plug the budget hole. The government, however, seems to be so far only little taken. If at all, that would be more for some crisis countries come into question.
There were in the past already often proposals to deal with the high debt of the state however has so far little fruitful. Now a compulsory bond for rich citizens is up for debate. Martin Kotthaus, spokesman for the ministry responsible, said that the country was currently in a good position and had no problems with tax revenues. The proven system is successful as it is. In addition, he added that this model could be considered for countries where the tax revenue is disproportionate to the wealth of the inhabitants.
With this proposal, the Institute for Economic Research wanted to get a grip on the debt crisis. In addition, a so-called wealth tax was again considered, which would have a similar effect as forced bonds that are not repaid. According to this model, the richest 8% of the population would then be subject to tax.
However, those responsible also stressed that this study should be implemented in the long term and in consideration of political conditions. Some economists assume that this would also encourage the wealthy to become more involved. The rich would then have a greater interest in living in an economically healthy system. Euro crisis countries in particular would benefit from this system, as it would be a form of refinancing.
The approach seems to be quite well thought out, but it is questionable whether this could be implemented and how high the acceptance of the population would be.